About Me

Hedonistic: Engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent.

Epicure: 1. a person who cultivates a refined taste, especially in food and wine; connoisseur. 2. Archaic. a person dedicated to sensual enjoyment.


I have lived a real life and paid attention. I was raised in the south, spent my formative years on the east coast and settled in Seattle permanently by adulthood.

Today, I am actively involved in my community and maintain another occupation in addition to this one. Having a mixture of endeavors satisfies my restless nature and varied interests.

When at leisure, I fancy books, walks, baking and listening to records. On more ambitious days you can find me lifting weights, sweating it out in hot yoga or writing erotic short stories.


By natural design, I spend my time with individuals I authentically like being around. It is a luxury to be discerning and I opt into it in every area of my life. I do not think of being selective as discriminatory or dismissive, but rather a way of honoring one’s self.

Educated, witty, tactile, physically charged, enthusiastic, curious, worldly, kind, intuitive, smart-are all words I’d use to describe my favorite patrons. We reflect back at those we are with, exactly who we are (or at least are striving to be). The levels of respect, discretion and consideration I require from my clientele are what I offer in return.

Race, age, religion, weight, appearance etc. are of no consequence to me. I ask that in coming to see me you adhere to my protocol: submit screening, deposit, follow all my instructions, to not attempt to push boundaries or negotiate in any way, be a gentleman, read my FAQ, be polite to my assistant, observe the basic elements of consent at all times, be communicative about your needs and comfort, be respectful of me and anyone we encounter in public.


What I look like:

It’s funny, the often profound difference between how we view ourselves and how others see us, but for those interested, here is what the mirror tells me: My hair is past my shoulders and though sandy blonde, is currently a shade of honey; my eyes are blue and hint at periwinkle.

I am five foot seven and possessing of innumerable curves, with a physique that could be called both athletic and womanly. I have a classical English face & very fair skin with a smattering of freckles and measure at 34c, 28, 38.

While attractive, you will never find my presentation to be ostentatious. I dress in a subdued fashion to better afford us our privacy. My face is hidden for my discretion as well as yours, but rest assured, it’s one of my best features. My most frequent celebrity comparisons are Kate Winslet, Dakota Johnson, and Gillian Anderson in her role as Agent Scully.

What I provide:

I offer Courtesan styled companionship (in Seattle and the many other cities I visit). This type of engagement lends itself to deeper connection and ongoing relationships, meant to build over time. I enjoy the emotional and cerebral components of a date as much as the physical, not least of all, because I believe them to be building blocks for experiencing the latter to the absolute fullest. My hope is to provide an enchanting, sexy and judgement free zone. I strive to make my suitors feel accepted and appreciated just as they are, during our time together. If you are seeking something impersonal, quick, or performative, I might suggest you seek another provider.

Please screen (if you are new), check my calendar, then fill out a contact form if you would like to schedule time together.

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